Sunday 29 May 2011

Alice - the super model

this post is about finishing building the alice model. it shows the pictures and the references i have look at to inspire me.

making her hands

here are alices hands, to make them i looked in a stop motion animation book.
here is the part that inspired me

This part of the book showed how to create hands using modelling material. The book stated to start off with a flat round peice for the palm and tiny sausages of modelling material for the fingers, Looking at the book and how appropriate this technique looked inspired me to use the same technique to make the hands of my models.

Making her feet

and the rest

full model before clothes and paint.

I made this part flair out to stop the dress falling off alice and so it would also flair out like the design I had created for the dress.

I painted alice with acryllic paint like in my experiments using a skin tone for her flesh and black for the boots.
I thgink that the skinny frame and large head of this character will help to communicate her age to the target audience.

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